
Routing Policy (en)

IPv4 Policy

Free Pro is usually announcing it’s own routes summarized. Only PA attributed to customers are announced one by one. We are announcing the customers routes the way they are sending them to us, unless the customer request any aggregation. All customers announcement are strictly controlled with Prefix List filtering (Based on IRR allocations and records).

IPv6 Policy

Free Pro is usually announcing it’s own routes summarized. Customers routes are not accepted if not summarised. We will not reannounce PA’s attributed to a customer by another service provider. (We expect you to do the same). All customers announcement are strictly controlled with Prefix List filtering (Based on IRR allocations and records).

Global Policy

  • We do not accept traffic that should originate our own network.
  • Our AS at IX’s is AS30781 and we announce the ASes listed in the RIPE AS macro AS-JAGUAR for IPv4 and AS-JAGUAR-V6 for IPv6.
  • We do not announce default route to peers or customers (Only if asked by customer himself).
  • MEDs are announced to any peers by default using IGP costs. Peers can decide to honor MED based on their policies.
  • We filter routes and traffic to illegal destinations such as IANA reserved networks and other bogons.

We will keep our RIPE objects up to date and expect you to do the same. We also expect you to maintain a certain level of routing standards, such as not announcing over specifics, private ASes, Bogon networks or paths over your transits or peers. AS30781 filters routes at the edge. These can be one of the following filters :

  • Our own IP blocks
  • IANA reserved IP blocks
  • Bogon Networks
  • Prefixes longer than /24 for IPv4 or /48 for IPv6

Please note that we will never accept prefixes longer than /24 for IPv4 and /48 for IPv6.

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